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Our Committee

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Luke Stanley


Don’t let his gruff exterior fool you. Luke, is an absolute teddy bear. Claims he is the most ‘underutilised’ player in the club. Next time you see him, give him a big hug.


Marcus Bayer


Marcus approaches his finances like he approaches his bowling. Precise, accurate and detail oriented. He is a high-achieving, unrelenting machine.


Bob Champion

Assistant Treasurer

Bob Champion is ironically a bit of a champion. He’s a great guy to have on the team and an excellent servant of the club.


Sam Marcolin


Eldest son of House Marcolin. Maester of Scoreboard. Slayer of Beer. Purveyor of fine sledges and cuss-words. Unbelievably, has a ton to his name.


Corey Tanner

Social Committee

Probably the most handsomest man to ever do The Cricket. NASA has calculated his IQ to be somewhere in the range of 1200-1240. Loves a joke and a cuddle.


Zac Leiser-Moore

Social Committee

The most enigmatic and entertaining competitor in amateur sports. Zac is legitimately a mystery to everyone, including himself. Elwood’s very own ‘Big Show’.


David Robertson

General Committee

Being a millennial, Robbo is speaks fluent “facie”, “insta”, “snap” and will even tweet when prompted to do so. Excellent team man too.


Andrew Byrns

General Committee

Byrnsie is a top bloke and has had a big positive impact in such a short time. He’s a high-level thinker and a ferocious competitor. Knows how to score a run or two.


Nick Johnston

General Committee

Nick has already bestowed the greatest of all gifts to the club – his son Raj. Now he’s upping the anti, bringing his smarts, experience and guidance to the club.

Ready to join the family?


Contact Details

Postal Address:

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Home Ground:

PO Box 22 Elwood Vic 3184

105a Ormond Esplanade

0410 842 923

Wattie Watson Oval

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